Instructional Technology Support
Hello! I am Jennifer MacDonald and I am the district instructional technology coordinator. My job is to help support teachers, students and families with their technology needs. I have 4 main targets: building support (teacher, family, student), professional development, curriculum, and program management.
Student Support:
I will help students with logging into their devices
I will manage usernames and passwords (devices, programs, software)
I will assist with basic trouble shooting
I will create and share tech resources that support curriculum
Teacher Support
I will train staff on new technology that is purchased by the district
I will assist teacher with incorporating technology into their curriculum and instruction
I will manage usernames and passwords (programs and software)
I will create and share tech resources to support instruction

Jennifer MacDonald Instructional Technology Coordinator
Ms. MacDonald's Website:
Click here to access Ms. MacDonald's website for school resources.