Superintendent's Office

Piper Bognar, Superintendent
Anita Battisti, Executive Assistant
Dear Van Dyke Community Members,
As your Superintendent, I am proud to serve our district and community. Our students and staff are top-of-mind as we evolve and change for the greater good. Safety and education are my top two priorities; Input from those around me and in our schools is crucial.
Since my journey began in Van Dyke Public Schools in 2010, I've seen so much positive change and growth. Our caring and talented staff gives their best every day to promote and support success at all levels. Our financial situation is stable, again thanks to dedicated staff and careful budgeting. The buildings in our district are beautiful , thanks to our supportive community and the bonds that were passed to ensure our students are learning in the best possible spaces, and well-maintained thanks to yet more dedicated staff. We would not be what we are without all of our stakeholders, including parents and families.
With this said, there is still work to be done. Each day, we strive to create safe and supportive environments for all students in order to make their learning environments the best they can possibly be. This takes time and effort on everyone’s part. We must do this together, with a firm commitment to Every Student, Every Day, No Matter What.
Remember that we are better and stronger together. Please reach out and find ways to be involved in your children's daily school life. We welcome you and your partnership. Again, I take great pride in our district and want you to feel the same.
Mrs. Piper L. Bognar
Superintendent, Van Dyke Public Schools
Superintendent's Welcome Letter - Fall 2023
Parents and family members, we know it's not easy to talk to your children about difficult subjects such as drug use. When you have facts, it provides a clearer way to open the conversation and make it more meaningful. Please read this information sheet from Mobilizing Michigan regarding facts about teens and marijuana use.