Special Services Department
Director: Dawn Bruley
Secretary: Lori Blanchard
The Van Dyke Public School District is committed to providing students with disabilities a free and appropriate public education consistent with federal and state laws. These laws require the district to identify, locate and assess all students within the district who may have disabilities and then provide appropriate programs and/or related services to those eligible. These services are provided based on the individual needs of the student and the recommendation of the Individual Education Program (IEP), a legal document that describes how Van Dyke Public Schools will provide services to a student with exceptional needs.
Programs and services are provided under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which was signed into law in 1997. Legislation was signed in December 2004 reauthorizing it as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004. Van Dyke Public Schools offers a continuum of programs and service options, ranging from least restrictive to most restrictive environments. These options include: general education with special education supports and services, resource room support, self-contained programs, and MISD center-based programs.