Curriculum & Instruction

98 C Learning Loss Plan

SAT Optional Data

Michigan K-12 Standards

State & Federal Grants-Title I and 31a:

What is Title I?
Title I is the largest federal education program for elementary and secondary schools. Title I funds are targeted to high-poverty schools and districts and used to provide educational services to students who are educationally disadvantaged or at risk of failing to meet state standards.

Title I services in Van Dyke Public Schools include:

  • Providing supplementary education to students such as intervention classes and tutoring

  • Full Day Kindergarten

  • Offering supplemental services such as Family Nights, Bilingual Services, and homeless support

  • Providing extra support to students and families through Academic Coaching services

  • Summer School programs

Title I Schools are required to have a Parent Involvement Plan, and there are many ways for families to participate in this plan. Attending our Family and Parent nights, volunteering at your students' schools, and working on one of our District Planning teams are all wonderful places to start your involvement!

What is 31A?
State Funds for 31A are designated for supplemental programs for at-risk students. Section 31a funds are limited to direct services to pupils and may not be used for administrative or other related costs.

31A Services in Van Dyke Public Schools include:

  • Academic Coaches and Intervention Tutors

  • School Social Workers

  • Hall Monitors

  • Intervention Specialists

Family Engagement

Family engagement is an integral component of Michigan’s Top 10 in 10 goals and an important part of the Van Dyke Public School plan. Please click the link below to see how you can begin to engage in the process of promoting literacy for your student at home.

Family Engagement for Literacy

Family Engagement Graphic

Director Picture

Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Wendy Cusic
(586) 758-8341

Turnaround Director
Joann Iras (586) 758-8611

Parent Engagement Coordinator
Cheryl Siecinski
(586) 759-9406