Calming and Self Care
Below you will find a list of several resources that will help you with calming techniques and strategies for selfcare. Click on any of the links below to help with breathing and meditation, yoga, calming videos, animal live streams, and story books to help with emotions,.
Breathing and Meditation

Bring It Down - Flow | GoNoodle
3 Minutes Peaceful Breaths: Mindful Breathing for Anxiety in Kids I Calmer classrooms
Thought Bubbles! Mindfulness for Children. (thought awareness)
Rainbow Relaxation: Mindfulness for Children
Finding Positivity, for Big Kids | Headspace Breathers | Mindfulness for Kids and Families
Time Out (Peace Out: Guided Meditation for Kids) | Cosmic Kids
Take 5 Breathing: A Breathing Exercise for Kids
How to Deal with Anxiety with Triangle Breathing
5-Minute Meditation You Can Do Anywhere

Calming Animal Live Streams


Calming Video and Music Sounds

Our Emotions Videos/Storybooks
Crisis Help
24-Hour Help
Lifeline- free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources. Chat online through the website or text or call: 1 (800) 273-8255
Common Ground- free and confidential counseling and resources. Chat online through the website or text or call: 1 (800) 231-1147
Macomb County Children’s Mobile Crisis Unit
(586) 307-9100
Instead of calling police or going to the local E.R., the Macomb County Children’s Mobile Crisis Unit will come directly to your home or community setting, wherever the crisis is occurring. Within 1 hour of your initial phone call, a master’s level therapist and parent support partner will arrive to assist in resolving the situation and create a crisis plan. There is no cost for this service.
Eligibility: Must live in Macomb County, child must have active Medicaid, child’s age can range from birth to 21-years-old.