We are completing our first week of testing with 8th graders that have come in to take the PSAT. Next week the 8th graders will be continuing state testing on Tuesday April 20th by taking the MSTEP Social Studies and Science portion online. They will need to bring their issued laptops in and make sure they are fully charged. We will start testing around 7:25.
almost 4 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
Testing in gym
The state, at this time, is still requiring us to administer the PSAT and MStep standardized testing this year. Both are required to be in person at school. I have attached a letter detailing the test plans under our school information page We will be following all the CDC guidelines for in person learning. If you have concerns or need more information please don't hesitate to call the school.
almost 4 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
Welcome Middle School Community to our new website! We hope you will be able to navigate and find the information that you need. If you have any concerns or ideas to make our site more friendly then let us know.
almost 4 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
ust want to give parents update on our return to in person learning plan. We are currently in Phase One in which we are calling in students that are failing a majority of their classes and are in jeopardy of being retained. Phase Two will be broadening our invite to those that are failing only a couple classes. Phase Three we will be bringing in those that wish to come in to get in person help no matter what their grades are. We are aware of the families that wish to have their child come in and will be reaching out to you when your child reaches the eligible phase. If you have any questions please call the office. 586-758-8320
about 4 years ago, Vic Breithaupt
Hello Middle School community, 1st Semester is coming to an end Jan. 22nd. New schedules should have been shared to students by Advisory teacher through email and students new classes should be on their Google classroom dashboard
about 4 years ago, Vic Breithaupt