Families, 📅 Upcoming Schedule: March 10 - 15 Monday, Mar. 10 – Robotics/Drama/Solar Energy Clubs & Girls Bball vs Hazel Park (8th only @ LHS 4:30) Tuesday, Mar. 11 – Wrestling Meet @ Tower / Band & Choir performing for 5th grades @ 9:30am Wednesday, Mar. 12 – PLC Day dismissal @ 1:10 Girls Bball vs Wilkinson (Last Game @ LHS 4:30) Thursday, Mar. 13 – Girls Bball vs Wilkinson (Last Game @ LHS 4:30) / Wrestling Meet @ Wolfe Saturday Mar. 15 – Wrestling Tournament @ LHS 💬 Conversation Starter: Ask your child: “Are you on the ABE’s list?” If not, ask them why? 🗣️ Thank you, Mr. Filiccia & Ms. Hoekstra
6 days ago, Mr. Filiccia
Families, 📅 Upcoming Schedule: March 3 - 7 Monday, Mar. 3 – Robotics/Drama/Solar Energy Clubs & Girls Bball 7th @ Wolfe / 8th @ Eastpointe Tuesday, Mar. 4 – Wrestling Meet @ LHS / Wear Red to support Education Wednesday, Mar. 5 – Girls Bball @ Clintondale (4:30 - 8th Only) Thursday, Feb. 27 – Girls Bball vs Paige (Home 4:30) / Wrestling Meet @ Clawson 💬 Conversation Starter: 🧠 *Ask your child:* “What’s a problem you had to think hard about in class this week? How did you figure it out?” 🗣️ Thank you, Mr. Filiccia & Ms. Hoekstra
13 days ago, Mr. Filiccia
Families, 📅 Upcoming Schedule: February 24 - 28 Monday, Feb. 24 – Robotics/Drama/Solar Energy Clubs & Girls Bball (Home 4:15) Tuesday, Feb. 25 – Wrestling Meet @ LHS Wednesday, Feb. 26 – PLC Day Students dismissed @ 1:12 Thursday, Feb. 27 – Girls Bball @ Clawson (4:30) 💬 Conversation Starter: Ask your child: “Are you on the ABE’s list?” If not, ask them why? 🗣️ Thank you, Mr. Filiccia & Ms. Hoekstra
20 days ago, Mr. Filiccia
Families, Good morning just a reminder. We are back to school today. Make sure you bundle up. It's cold. Mr. Filiccia
22 days ago, Mr. Filiccia
Families, 📅 Upcoming Schedule: February 17 - 21 Monday, Feb. 17 – No School Winter Break Tuesday, Feb. 18 – No School Winter Break Wednesday, Feb. 19 – Students Return / Girls Bball @ Paige (4:30) Thursday, Feb. 20 – Girls Basketball vs Clintondale (LHS 4:15) 💬 Conversation Starter: Ask your child: “Did they work in small groups?” If so, ask what they think about working in them? 🗣️ Thank you, Mr. Filiccia & Ms. Hoekstra
27 days ago, Mr. Filiccia
Families, Sorry for the delay but school will be closed tomorrow Feb. 13th. All after school events are also canceled. Please enjoy your break and we will see everyone back to school on Wed. Feb. 19th. Thanks, Mr. Filiccia
29 days ago, Mr. Filiccia
Families, All middle school events after school have been canceled. School has not been canceled as of yet. I promise to let you know as soon as I get information. Thanks, Mr. Filiccia
29 days ago, Mr. Filiccia
Families, The girls basketball game has been canceled due to scheduling conflict at Paige middle school. This game will be made up towards the end of the schedule and I apologize for any inconvenience. Mr. Filiccia
about 1 month ago, Mr. Filiccia
Families, 📅 Upcoming Schedule: February 10 - 14 Monday, Feb. 10 – Robotics & Drama Clubs | Girls Basketball @ Page, 4:30 PM Wednesday, Feb. 12 – Valentine Dance | Girls Basketball @ Hazel Park, 4:30 PM Thursday, Feb. 13 – Girls Basketball @ Wilkerson, 4:30 PM Friday, Feb. 14 – No School for Students (Classes resume Wednesday, Feb. 19) 💬 Conversation Starter: Ask your child: “Did they purchase their Valentine Dance Ticket?” If not, ask why? They are on sale till the day of the dance. 🗣️ Thank you, Mr. Filiccia & Ms. Hoekstra
about 1 month ago, Mr. Filiccia
Families, Good morning, just a reminder school is open today! Just an FYI, most of the students who are struggling have the most absences. Happy Friday, Mr. Filiccia and Ms. Hoekstra
about 1 month ago, Mr. Filiccia
Families, This coming week’s Schedule: (Feb. 3 - 7) Mon. Feb 3: Robotics/Drama clubs. New ABE’s list comes out! Wed. Feb 5: PLC Day students dismissed @ 1:12 Thur. Feb 6: Girls Bball @ Clintondale 4:15 *You should have received your child's report card* Thanks, Mr. Filiccia & Ms. Hoekstra
about 1 month ago, Mr. Filiccia
Families, This coming week’s Schedule: (Jan. 27 - 31) Mon. Jan 27: Robotics/Drama clubs. Boys Ball @ Hazel Park Tues. Jan 28: Boys Bball vs Oak Park (Home 4:30) Wed. Jan 29: Girls Bball Tryouts - 2:30 to 5 (6 thru 8th grades) Thur. Jan 30: Boys Bball 8th vs 9th / Band will be playing at halftime. (Home 4:00) *Because of the weather Reports Cards will be mailed out next week* Thanks, Mr. Filiccia & Ms. Hoekstra
about 2 months ago, Mr. Filiccia
Families, Good morning this is just a reminder that we do have school today ! Thanks, Mr. Filiccia and Ms Hoekstra
about 2 months ago, Mr. Filiccia
Families & Staff, Because of the cold weather school has been canceled for Tuesday, January 21 and Wednesday Jan. 22. If you got my voicemail, it said for Tuesday, but it is also for Wednesday. Stay warm and we'll see everybody back on Thursday, January 23. Thanks, Mr. Filiccia & Ms. Hoekstra
about 2 months ago, Mr. Filiccia
Families, This coming week’s Schedule: (Jan. 20 - 24) Mon. Jan 20: MLK Day - No School Tues. Jan 21: New ABE’s list - Ask your child if they are on it. Wed. Jan 22: Boys Bball vs Paige (Last home game @ 4:15) Thur. Jan 9: Boys Bball @ Paige 4:15 *Reports cards are finished, they will be mailed out next week* *Any school closings you will get a Text or Phone call from this system* Thanks, Mr. Filiccia & Ms. Hoekstra
about 2 months ago, Mr. Filiccia
Families, This coming week’s Schedule: (Jan. 13 - 17) Mon. Jan 13: Tutoring & Drama/Robotics Clubs, BBall @ Eastpointe (4:30) Tues. Jan 14: Omega Academy Meeting @ 6pm - LHS Cafe (still can sign up) Wed. Jan 15: PLC Day (Dismissed @ 1:12) Bball @ Clintondale (4:15) Fri. Jan 17: Record’s Day (Dismissed @ 10:52) Wear you Detroit Lions gear or Blue & Grey *Girls Bball tryouts Wed. Jan. 27th* Thanks, Mr. Filiccia & Ms. Hoekstra
2 months ago, Mr. Filiccia
Families, Starting tomorrow headphones and earbuds are not permitted at school. These devices can become a significant distraction during the school day, interfering with students’ focus and overall educational experience. To ensure that all students remain engaged and attentive in their learning, we kindly ask for your support in reinforcing this rule. Please ensure that your child leaves these items at home. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in prioritizing your child's education. Sincerely, Mr. Filiccia & Ms. Hoekstra
2 months ago, Mr. Filiccia
Families, This coming week’s Schedule: (Jan. 6 - 10) Mon. Jan 6: PJ Day, Tutoring & Bball Game Vs Wolfe (Home 5pm) Drama/Robotics Clubs Tues. Jan 7: Omega Academy Meeting @ 6pm - LHS Cafe Wed. Jan 8: ALL students receive Clear Backpacks Thur. Jan 9: *Students can only use the clear backpacks moving forward Thanks, Mr. Filiccia & Ms. Hoekstra
2 months ago, Mr. Filiccia
Families, Just want to wish all our families a very Merry Christmas!! See everyone Mon. Jan. 6th!! Sincerely, Mr. Filiccia
3 months ago, Mr. Filiccia
Families, I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! We start the Holiday Break tomorrow and we Return Jan. 6th. I also wanted to inform you that the district has purchased brand new VDPS backpacks for all the students. These will be distributed the week we return. This will be the only backpack students can use moving forward. Again enjoy the holidays and we will see everyone Monday Jan. 6th!! Sincerely, Mr. Filiccia
3 months ago, Mr. Filiccia