Principal's Page

Mrs. Stephanie LaBelle
Dear Lincoln Elementary Families,
Welcome to the 2024-25 School Year!
My name is Mrs. Stephanie LaBelle, and I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our Lincoln families as we embark on the 2024-25 school year together. This is my 29th year in education, my 10th in administration, and I am proud that VDPS has been my home for my entire career. It is a privilege and honor to serve as the Instructional Leader at Lincoln Elementary, working in partnership with our amazing Learning Community.
Lincoln has a proud tradition of being a phenomenal school providing a nurturing and caring learning environment for ALL children. Our dedicated team of highly qualified teachers and support staff strive to ensure academic success by setting high standards and promoting a Growth Mindset. The use of integrated technology, research-based best practice instruction and highly effective professional development for teachers are what creates an optimum learning experience at Lincoln.
Inspire, Empower, Achieve.... please take a minute and reflect on what these words bring to mind. Personally, these words immerse me in the anticipation of our exciting school year. Whether your child is looking forward to a year in TK/ kindergarten, or shining bright in 5th grade, this year is full of promise, challenge, and exploration. Please know that each unique member of our school family will be safe, valued, and respected while learning and engaging at Lincoln Elementary. With strong partnerships between home, school, and community Lincoln provides a rigorous and engaging education that is strengthened through Empowering our students towards higher levels of Achievement. We create and strengthen our school community through collaboration, positive relationships, and keeping the academic growth, social development, and overall well-being of our children as our shared focus and priority. Together we Inspire the future leaders of our world! What an amazing journey ahead.
I encourage you to visit Lincoln’s website and Facebook page weekly for updates on upcoming events and information.
Thank you so much for your ongoing partnership and support!
With Lincoln Pride,
Mrs. LaBelle