Starting March 16th Lincoln High School students will be allowed to attend face to face classes. This is a hybrid schedule, meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays.
about 4 years ago, Mr. Filiccia
Congratulations to our Consortium winners for CTE Month Outstanding Student. These are students from our four local high schools, including Van Dyke Lincoln, Fitzgerald, Warren Woods, and Center Line. Center Line High School- Sakeenah Jaffri from Mr. Clayton's Law Enforcement class; Fitzgerald high School- Christopher Biddle from Mr. Romain's Auto I class; Lincoln High School- Karaz Caldwell from Cheff Herrera's Culinary class; and Warren Woods Tower High School- Alex Macauley from Ms. Murray's Culinary class. Way to go, and way to represent our programs!
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Bognar
CTE Month